<body> For sweet sweeties...

1. Email to fashi0nsense@yahoo.com.sg in this format:
Item No.
[[ Repeats if item no. differs ]]

2. A confirmation email will be sent to you.

3. Please transfer the money to us within 48hours.

4. After transfer, please send a email in this format: (for our transaction records purpose)
Acct Holder Name.
Acct No.
Acct Type (POSB/DBS/UOB? Savings or Current?)
Ref Num.
Amt Transferred.
Date Transferred.

5. Upon arrival, mass meet ups will be conducted. If you are unable to make it for meet ups, please use postage. Local postage charges applicable, according to number of items u purchased.

6. We will not hold responsible for stocks damage. Please understand that the stocks are from other countries, we don't know the condition of the stocks too.

7. Please wait patiently for your orders to arrive. An email will be sent to everyone who placed orders with us, once the goods are here.

8. Can check out the lastest movement of your orders under "status".

9. For items that are out of stock, we will do the refund aas soon as possible.

10. Please trust us, we will be constantly upgrading to serve you dearies better.

11. Please feel free to ask us any questions, on the tagboard or even email us.

12. Do bring more friends here to shop with us! ~^^~

13. Lastly, please be reminded that these grabs only are meant for patient sweeties!

[[ Promotions Corners]]

Ongoing Promotions:

VIP card: Coming Soon.

** Watch This Space!! **


Xmas Promotions: AKAT grabs: $1.00 Postage.


Buy 2 pieces and get 2nd piece @ 5% off! Buy 3 pieces and above and get the last piece off @ 10%

**Discounted items applies to the highest priced items!**

[[ STATUS ]]

Updated On 16th Jan 07.

Baggies grabs:
1st order: Sent on 16.01.07. Waiting for confirmation from supplier.

HY grabs: Closed.

TFC grabs: Closed! Cancelled due to slow respond.

MGP grabs: Closed! Refunded.

AKAT grabs: Closed.

XZER grabs: Closed! Sent out concealed cash to supplier on 05.01.07. Supplier received cash on 13.1.07. Sorry for the wait!

DMAJOR grabs: Closed,

CFAS part II grabs: Closed. Sent concealed cash to supplier. Supplier received cash on 6th dec. Supplier sent out the goods on 05.1.07. Arrived on 13.01.07. Emailed on 14.01.07. Sorry for the wait!

HYBY grabs: Closed.

MMTS grabs: Cancelled. Due to low response

Impluse grabs: Closed

MSLR grabs: Closed

CEHK grabs: Closed.

CFAS grabs: Closed

YMJR grabs : Closed.

[[ Sweetie's Comments ]]


Support pretty things.wordpress.com. Hand made accessories worth the buy~ All made with love. Can request for personalised items, just talk to the pretty owner!

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    Friday, October 27, 2006

    Dearest Sweeties,

    We are on MSN!!! We welcome you to add us on MSN now, our email address is: fashi0nsense@yahoo.com.sg!

    We welcome any enquiries on MSN.

    If u alreasy place orders with us, u can check out the more detailed status of your orders with us there.

    If you have any questions to ask us, you can also do it on MSN!

    If any orders are OOS, we will inform you on MSN if we see you.

    We also welcome any suggestions to serve you all better, selling affordable and value-for-money grabs to you sweeties. =D

    BUT, we prefer not to take any orders on MSN. It'd be appreciated if you all still email us to place orders. This is to ensure that none orders are being leftout.

    Your orders are important, so we don't want to risk leaving any out. =D

    See you all soon on MSN... (",)

    With lots loves,

     -- have you grabbed yours?! =) -- ;